Did you know that your risk of developing heart disease can affect your recommended cholesterol targets? To find out your target cholesterol levels, answer the following questions and click “calculate.” You can print the results to share with your doctor.
You will need to know your blood pressure and cholesterol test results to use this tool.
This calculator is intended for people aged 30 and older. It uses a formula developed from the Framingham Heart Study to estimate your risk of developing heart disease. It also recommends cholesterol targets based on the latest Canadian Cholesterol Guidelines.
How old are you? *
Please select your age range.
Select age range
75 and older
What is your total cholesterol level (measured in mmol/L*)? *
Please select your total cholesterol level.
Select cholesterol level
Lower than 4.1
4.1 to 5.19
5.2 to 6.19
6.2 to 7.2
Higher than 7.2
What is your level of LDL (bad) cholesterol (measured in mmol/L*)? *
Please select your level of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Select level of LDL
Lower than 3.5
3.5 to 4.9
Higher than 4.9
What is your level of HDL (good) cholesterol (measured in mmol/L*)? *
Please select your level of HDL (good) cholesterol.
Select level of HDL
Lower than 0.90
0.90 to 1.19
1.20 to 1.29
1.30 to 1.60
Higher than 1.60
What is your systolic blood pressure (the top number**)? *
Please select your systolic blood pressure.
Select systolic blood pressure range
Lower than 120
120 to 129
130 to 139
140 to 149
150 to 159
160 or higher
* To convert from Canadian units (mmol/L) to American ones (mg/dL), multiply Canadian values by 38.61 to get American values. To convert the other way, divide the American values by 38.61 to get the Canadian values.
** Only the top number (systolic blood pressure) is used, because it is more important than the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure) in calculating heart disease risk.